Saturday, March 29, 2008

it looks like my phone and it rings like my phone but i could not be sure its my phone.

4 years ago, Samsung launched its first slide-up phone, the SGH-D410C.
It cost about 1.5k at the time and i am one of the proud owner of this phone. Very seldom to use people to use this model of phone, quite a random phone actually.
Kinda chio(cool) phone but slight bulky..

But guess how much the value of the phone after all this.
How much will the phone cost now? Tell me tell me.
Give me your best price..I accept only internet banking transfer.
It took me almost an hour to dismantle this phone into pieces.
I can tell you, its not an easy job.
Those Korean really seal the phone very well.
Call me Spartan call call..
My tools to dismantle the phone.
Consists of screw drivers, nail cliper, ruler, pen knife.
Anyone out there asking me why i wanted to do such thing?
Why would i destroy a phone?
Cause its spoiled?
Caused Its not functioning as i wanted it to be?
Cause i wanted to see the toughness of Korean product? Sarangheyo Samsung..XOXO~
Stop the crap, the phone spoiled for more than 6 months and it will cost me a big perks to repair it. Better i just dismantle the phone and see what's inside.
You wouldn't know what i might find inside isn't it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yaa true..u will found golds inside (hide at d corner & laugh his ass out**)