Thursday, March 27, 2008

Everything is killing me softly and slowly but surely

Can anyone prescribe any useful product to enhance my brain wave?
I would like to enhance my academic ability.
By the way, just finished a mid term examination just now..
Very darn damn holy cow holy crap holy shit disappointed with my performance on the exam.
Sleepless nite almost every night. Study study study.
what's the consequences? exam don't even know how to do.
Brain jammned when it matters most.
Brain functions fully when comes to crap.
Cant even answer a quarter of the question paper.
A ratio of a person didn't study for the exam.
Study so much for what?
Already doubting my self will still be able to acheive cgpa and gpa of at least 3.0
Maybe i am too optimistic to make a pledge about achieving the feat.
I don't want to disappoint those who always support me but i feel i failed my self honestly.

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